Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Slowly breaking the ice

A lot of changes are occurring in my life, starting now. Even though I love to play with words, I can not begin to describe the feeling I've had in my throat, all the way to my stomach, ALL day to this very moment of me typing this post. It almost feels nauseating. My boyfriend has left to Texas today and the next time I will see him is in April (which I'm thankful for yet that's quite some time). It hurts to step into this house. It hurts to lay in this bed and try to fall asleep. It will continue to hurt. I will have some distractions for awhile, but who knows how long they will last before the breakdowns come forward. I'm not feeling well, so I will end this post for now.

In other news (good news) Jen from Unedited is doing an awesome giveaway for the successful reach of 1000 followers. If you think you can handle its awesomeness CLICK HERE. This is not spam ;)


  1. Good luck making it through the months ahead. When I was in the military, time crawled when my wife was gone. I can say I don't miss that.

    Draven Ames

  2. This must have been such a tough day for you. It's one of those times when nothing anyone -even those of us who love to play with words- can say will make it better. I hope you are as well as you can be :-)

  3. I hope things get better. Thanks for the link.

  4. I found you through Jen's site. Good luck for the coming months, being away from the ones you love can be very trying.

    - Amy

  5. Thanks Draven, I appreciate your input. I know time flies quickly but not when you're missing someone. I'll keep my head up. Any tips? :)

    Hey Kelly, it was pretty tough. I had some retail therapy with a friend for a bit [from the use of christmas gift cards ;)] but every sad feeling continued to creep up on me. I suppose, I should feel this way because if I didn't that'd say something.

    Chris, thank you! Hopefully you entered that contest. It's very kind of Jen. You can swoop on the photo link I made and put it on your sidebar ;) (a.k.a. extra points)

    Hey Amy! Thank you for taking the time to not only read my post, but comment on it. I'm trying my best to keep a positive attitude about the whole thing and realize the outcome is worth it.


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